BIO-MAS Lab Biophysics of Intracellular Organization - Mechanics And Superresolution

We are recruting

Lab Culture

Our lab is dedicated to assembling a diverse and interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers with expertise in physics, biomedical engineering, optics, and computer science. Yu Shi is committed to providing hands-on training while nurturing intellectual independence, with mentorship tailored to each individual’s needs. We value a collaborative environment where team members can grow both personally and professionally.

Ongoing Opportunities

We look for motivated Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers. Ideal candidates will have a graduate or undergraduate degree in physics, biomedical engineering or related field. Prioir knowledge in one or more of the following will be helpful: statistical physics, optics, microscopy, single molecule imaging, image analysis, coding in Python or Matlab.
If you are eager to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge and collaborate in a vibrant research environment, you are encouraged to send an inquiry and CV to